
Monday, 10 April 2017


Dear Mum 
Last Thursday I creeped out of my drey to collect some acorns from in The piles of leaves. 

Then I heard a swoosh and a creaking of branches. I jumped up and managed to dig my short little claws into a tree trunk. I tried to scamper up the tree as the hawk’s talons scraped the branches behind me. 

I leaped into my drey and watched the hawk through the gap in the leaves. For a few seconds I thought I was safe until the hawk grabbed my drey and started tearing it apart with his talons. 

As quick as a flash, I jumped out of my drey and into another tree. Scampering around for about five minutes, I find a hollow in a tree. So I climbed in and hoped the hawk couldn't get me. The hawk came and stuck its beak in, I thought it was the end until the hawk realised it couldn't get in so gave up. 

The downside was I had to rebuild my whole drey. 

Yours faithfully Squirrel Taine.  

This is my writing I did about a video I watched it was called Squirrel vs hawk.

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